Force Mount is an INIT which, when executed at startup, causes all available volumes to come on line. This is useful because with utilities such as Suitcase II¬ you can place all your Fonts/DAs/FKEYs/SNDs in files other than your system file. However, unless these files are on your boot volume they won't be loaded until the Finder (or other startup application) starts up. The practical upshot of all this is that your INITs don't have full access to your suitcased resources. This caused me grief when I divided my Rodime drive into four partitions and wanted to place my System folder and applications into one partition, and my digitized sound files into another. After doing this, I could no longer play suitcased sounds with Ignisound (a cdev which plays a selected sound at startup). With Force Mount loaded, I can now play a startup sound from any file on any of my partitions.
Note: For this utility to really be useful, it must be loaded before Suitcase or Font/DA Juggler, so I suggest the following naming scheme:
╥ Vaccine╙ (Two spaces before the name)-Vaccine should always load first!
╥ Force Mount╙ (one space before the name)
╥ Suitcase II╙ (one space before the name)
NOTE: This utility apparently does NOT work with Jasmines new hard disk partitioning scheme. It will cause a system bomb. I can verify that it works with Rodimes new driver (2.0.3 or 2.0.4). If you use this on another kind of drive, then could please drop me a line (addresses below) and tell me if you had any luck or not. I plan to include a compatibility list from the feedback I receive.
This INIT is totally FREE. You may use it as long as you like or give it to anyone you wish, although you may not resell it, nor may you use it an enticement to buy another product. You may make modifications to the code for your own personal use, but you may not distrubute modifed versions. Force Mount must always be distributed with this accompanying documentation. This program is Copyright ⌐ 1988 Mushyware Enterprises. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.